Monday May 07, 2012
Monday May 07, 2012
Greetings, this podcast recorded while in Minneapolis, Minnesota. For the podcast this week I’d like to share an article I wrote that was published in February 2012 in my column in BIC Magazine. It was titled, “Behavior-Based Safety A Streamlined Cost-Conscious Approach That Brings Results”. The published article can either be found at www.BLR.com or under Insights at www.ProActSafety.com.
I hope you enjoy the podcast this week. If you would like to download or play on demand our other podcasts, please visit the ProAct Safety’s podcast website at: http://www.safetycultureexcellence.com. If you would like access to archived podcasts (older than 90 days – dating back to January 2008) please visit www.ProActSafety.com/Store.
Have a great week!
Shawn M. Galloway
ProAct Safety, Inc